Foreign Exchange Trader
Released on: May 2, 2008, 3:58 am
Press Release Author: berkeley bahams limited
Industry: Financial
Press Release Summary: The successful foreign exchange trader will have a strong appreciation and understanding of economic data, a disciplined trading strategy, access to financial trading systems and sufficient risk capital. The currency of a country is similar to a share price in that its strength or weakness depends upon confidence.
Press Release Body: The successful foreign exchange trader will have a strong appreciation and understanding of economic data, a disciplined trading strategy, access to financial trading systems and sufficient risk capital.
The currency of a country is similar to a share price in that its strength or weakness depends upon confidence. If an investor has confidence in the currency he will buy it if not then he will sell. This confidence is based upon the economy of the country and its level of political stability.
Foreign exchange traders must therefore be aware of the relevant economic data, be able to understand it and then be prepared to trade. The idea is to anticipate future movements by buying one currency by selling another. If an investor believed that the Swiss Franc was to get stronger against the US Dollar he would sell dollar and buy Swiss, if he were correct then to take profit he would then buy dollar and sell Swiss Franc. Investors may use the cash foreign exchange market, i.e. just swap one currency for another one. Alternatively, foreign exchange traders use one of the following: rolling spot, forward, futures or options. There are many financial trading systems available to traders to allow direct access to the market by using online trading platforms, some of these are market making systems where you are trading against the market makers price, others are inter bank and broker platforms where there is a multiple of participants creating a true market. Futures and options contracts are dealt on recognised exchanges where liquidity and price is transparent and contracts are all of a set size.
Foreign exchange trading offshore is possible through companies such as Berkeley (Bahamas) limited which offers foreign trading platforms as well as IQ-Trader and Pro-Trader which offer access to all world futures and option markets. Corporate and private investor's offshore accounts should not attract tax at source but may not be suitable for all investors. If you are interested in becoming a foreign exchange trader and would like to open an offshore trading account, then please contact Berkeley ( Bahamas ) Limited.
A Foreign exchange trader will refer to forex, fx or currency trading, they all amount to the same thing and all carry risk. It is possible to use a high degree of gearing to trade up to 100x your initial deposit, in this way $10,000 will allow a foreign exchange trader to carry a position of $1,000,000, this may not be inadvisable but is possible. The profit and loss is based on the amount carried so a 1% movement in the currency could either double or wipe out the investment.
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Contact Details: Add: 2nd Floor, One Montague Place, P O Box N-3927 Nassau, Bahamas Phone no. 1 (242) 393 8395 Fax No. 1 (242) 394 6841 Contact Name : berkeley bahams limited
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